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Cyber Security in Bahrain

Cyber Security Tips In Bahrain

  1. Always update your software
    Patching obsolete software, including operating systems and applications, is one of the most crucial cyber security recommendations for reducing the impact of ransomware. This assists in closing important security holes that hackers use to gain access to your devices. Here are some simple pointers to get you going:

Activate your device’s automatic system updates.A desktop web browser should utilize automated security upgrades.
Java and other plugins for your web browser need be updated.

  1. Use a firewall and EDR protection
    Endpoint detection and response (EDR) Platform includes AI-powered threat hunting across user endpoints, containers, cloud workloads, and IoT devices. enabling modern businesses to defend more effectively, more quickly, and across their full attack surface.

A software firewall can be very helpful in protecting your data from harmful intrusions. A firewall controls what traffic is allowed to reach your device and assists in blocking hackers, malware, and other harmful Internet activities. The firewalls included with Windows and Mac OS X are appropriately termed Windows Firewall and Mac Firewall. A firewall should also be included in your router to shield your network from threats.

  1. Use a password management tool and secure passwords or passphrases.
    It’s likely that you’ve heard that using strong passwords is essential for internet safety. Passwords really are crucial for preventing hackers from accessing your info! You should take into account the following in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) 2017 revised password policy framework:

Getting rid of the bizarre, complex combination of capital letters, symbols, and numerals Instead, use a phrase that is easier to remember but has at least twelve characters.
Use a different password each time.
A minimum of four symbols, one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and the characters &%#@ are not permitted in the password.

Pick a password that is simple to remember, and avoid posting password hints anywhere where hackers might see them.
If you forgot your password, reset it. Decide on a policy that calls for a general refresh once or twice a year.
Use a password management tool or password account vault to organize your passwords more easily. A fantastic tool for an individual is LastPass FREE.

  1. Use Multi- or Two-Factor Authentication.
    A service that strengthens the security of the traditional password method of online identification is two-factor or multi-factor authentication. You would typically submit a username and password if two-factor authentication wasn’t available. However, when using two-factor authentication, you would be required to input a second form of identification, such as a Personal Identification Code, a different password, or even your fingerprint. After entering your username and password, you would be required to input more than two additional authentication methods under multi-factor authentication.
    The NIST recommends against using an SMS delivery for two-factor authentication since malware can be used to attack mobile phone networks and compromise data as a result.
  2. Become knowledgeable about phishing scams and be extremely wary of emails, calls, and flyers.
    Recently, we blogged on how this year’s phishing attacks are more dangerous than ever. In an attempt to fool the recipient into disclosing credentials, clicking a dangerous link, or opening an attachment that infects the user’s machine with malware, a trojan horse, or an exploit for a zero-day vulnerability, the attacker adopts a false identity. This frequently triggers a ransomware assault. In actuality, phishing attempts are the source of 90% of ransomware attacks.

Several crucial cyber security advice on phishing tactics to keep in mind are as follows:

In conclusion, avoid opening emails from unknown senders.
Know which links are secure and which are not; mouse over a link to see where it takes you; be wary of emails addressed to you generally; check to see where they came from and whether they have grammar mistakes.

Friends who have also contracted the disease may send you malicious links. So, proceed with caution!
We provide training on security awareness.

  1. Take Care of Your Sensitive Individually Recognizable Information (PII)
    Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is any data that a cybercriminal could use to discover or identify a specific person. Name, address, phone number, date of birth, Social Security Number, IP address, location information, and other physical or digital identity data are all examples of PII. Companies should protect your credit card information if they adhere to PCI DSS requirements.

You should be extremely careful about the information you publish online in the new “always-on” world of social media. It is advised that you post as little information about yourself on social media as possible. Think about checking the privacy options on all of your social media accounts, especially Facebook. Your chance of a security breach will significantly increase if you add your home address, birthdate, or any other PII information. Hackers take advantage of this information!

  1. Make secure use of your mobile devices
    Your mobile device is now a target for more than 1.5 million new occurrences of mobile malware, according to McAfee Labs. Here are a few short suggestions for protecting mobile devices:

Make a Tough Mobile Passcode That Isn’t Your Birthdate or a Bank PIN
Install apps only from dependable sources
Update Your Device Often as Older Operating Systems Have Vulnerabilities That Hackers Can Exploit
Don’t send confidential or sensitive information by text or email.
Leverage To stop loss or theft, use Find My iPhone or the Android Device Manager.
Utilize iCloud or Android’s Backup & Sync feature to regularly backup your mobile device.

  1. Regularly backup your data
    Regular data backups are an underrated aspect of personal online security. The simple 3-2-1 backup guideline is followed by the finest IT and security administrators. Basically, you’ll retain three copies of your data—two on local and external hard drives and one off-site—on two different types of media (cloud storage).
    If you become a victim of ransomware or malware, the only way to restore your data is to erase your systems and restore with a recently performed backup.
  2. Avoid Using Free WiFi
    Never connect to a public WiFi network without a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The communication between your device and the VPN server is encrypted when VPN software is used. Therefore, it will be considerably more challenging for a cybercriminal to access your data on your smartphone. If you don’t have a VPN and security is a concern, use your phone network.
  3. Regularly check your online accounts and credit reports for changes.
    Consumers must now more than ever protect their online accounts and keep an eye on their credit reports in light of the recent Equifax breach. The best approach for you to now safeguard your personal credit information from hackers is to place a credit freeze on it.

Primary Reasons for Security Breaches
Today, incidents involving hacking, phishing, and malware are the leading cause of security breaches. What’s even more concerning is that many hacking attempts involve some sort of human error. In the battle against cybercrime and the prevention of security breaches, awareness-raising and education are crucial.

We sincerely hope that these advice on personal cyber security and the understanding of how personal security breaches happen will help you reduce your chance of experiencing a security event.

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