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Data Security in Bahrain

Last updated on October 16, 2022

3 Important Steps For Data Security

Because the information technology industry is continually changing, users frequently wonder if their data is secure. Although improvements in data security have bolstered defenses, it is a recurring fact that our data is continually under attack. Both hardware devices and software advances have created new options for user data to be retained by outside parties. Your data may also be at risk from unrelated factors such as device failure, forgotten login credentials, and many others aside from cyberattacks. While Nexcel Computer Solutions specializes in recovering crucial data, we also fervently promote accountability and awareness when using digital platforms or devices in order to minimize the difficulties brought on by such problems.

Protect Your Data

Your data must be continuously and completely backed up, whether using a cloud storage service or an external storage device (such a hard drive). To ensure that your data is never in danger of being lost, it is advised to employ several external storage alternatives concurrently. Among the most popular cloud service providers, digital platforms like Google Drive, iCloud, and OneDrive offer a dependable service at a reasonable cost. Regularly upgrading your data to an external hard drive is another quick and simple technique to guarantee its offline security.

safeguard passwords
According to a University of Maryland study, there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds on average. This is frequently the result of inadequate data protection, and it doesn’t happen by accident. You should consider that your data is at risk if you use a password that is easy to guess and excludes elements like unicase characters, special characters, and numerals. Additionally, it is advised to regularly change your passwords and make sure they differ from one site to the next. Even if it could be difficult to recall. Search engines like Google and others have developed secure technologies that make it possible to save passwords conveniently and securely while also proposing secure password combinations for new accounts. Two-factor authentication (2FA), which should be used for your accounts, is obviously a very effective data security innovation.

Always check your sources
Phishing is a type of cyberattack that utilizes malicious communication. In these situations, businesses or individuals—possibly even friends or family members—are impersonated in an effort to dupe unsuspecting users into disclosing personal information like credit card numbers, login credentials, and other details. So it is crucial that you carefully check the source of information you receive for any of your digital accounts. Many times, it is simple to determine that a suspicious email or message originated from a hostile source. Never share critical information with someone with whom you are not confident of their legitimacy. When a source is reliable, it is typically simple to verify and may surface through a variety of legal channels.

At Nexcel Computer Solutions, we consistently work to increase awareness about some of the most common ways that data may be threatened, stolen, or destroyed while also standing ready to offer our specialist services in the fields of data protection and recovery when necessary. There are numerous other procedures in addition to the three crucial ones stated above for protecting your data. One can easily avoid such data security difficulties, though, by taking the necessary precautions and doing some research before providing any information. Through the use of our specialized services or apps for cloud services, we can also be of aid.

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